Student Solution


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Week 4- Personality Theories-Psychology

Week 4- Personality Theories-Psychology

Q Chapter 11 explains major personality theories. Consider these 5 personality theories for this Forum response: 1)Psychodynamic, 2)Trait, 3)Learning, 4)Biological and Evolutionary, and 5)Humanistic. Choose one theory that you feel best describes the way you view the human condition and provide three (3) reasons why you feel this way. Be sure to describe the entire theory, not just one theorist. For example, if you choose Humanism, do not just discuss Maslow but describe the common views all the humanistic theorists have and how you agree with them.

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All five personality theories can be considered to play a major role in our lives but in my personal opinion the theory that best describes the way I view the human condition can be the trait theory that was given by Gordon Allport. He categorized these traits into three different levels: Cardinal Traits: it can be said that these traits tend to dominate an individual’s entire life to a level where the person is able to be known by others with the help of their traits.